Friday, April 04, 2008

Cause If I Don't Comment Now, My Head Will Explode

Four fucking days now, every sports channel is yammering about Joba's excited fist-pumping after striking out Frank Thomas, comparing it to shit like Manny Ramirez having tea and scones served to him at the plate while he pats himself on the back as another dinger leave the park. For fuck's sake. DISCLAIMER: I am a Yankees fan. If that automatically means in your mind I'm a Yankee homer douchebag fine, stop reading. To me there's a big dofference between genuine excitement and practiced "look at me, ain't I sumpin?" preening. There's a difference between scoring a touchdown and excitedly spiking the ball, and scoring a touchdown and then making us sit through your re-enactment of the Michael-shoots-the-police-chief scene from The Godfather with a posse you've had flown in. For fuck's sake. Kid was just excited, let it fucking go. Enough!!

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