Friday, April 04, 2008

Joba Part 2

(Joba strikeout announced as I hear it):
Announcer: "annnnnnd...struck him out!!! Joba pumps his fist, a punchout that gets the Yankees closer to Mariano! Boy is the young buck excited! The Stadium is rocking! Next up for the Blue Jays is..."

(Joba strikeout announced as Mad Dog seems to have heard it):
Announcer: "annnnnnnnd...struck him out! Joba pumps his fist, a punchout that gets the Yankees closer to Mariano! Oooh, yeah! Now Joba has run over to Frank, he's, oh boy, he's doing the "double 6-shooters" in Frank's face! Wow! Oh oh, Jobe has just pulled out a cream pie and has thrown it into Frank's face, ladies and gentlemen! Wow!!! Smushing it in reeeeeeeally good, too! Wow! Frank is on his knees crying from embarrassment now, boy how humiliating and...oh no, Joba is pulling down his pants, preparing to urinate on Frank Thomas now! The Stadium is rocking! Joba, that's too much now, that's...oh no no, Joba has pulled Frank's three year-old daughter from the stands, has thrown her on top of Frank and is now pissing on her!!! Wow what a strikeout from Joba!!!! Look at the excitement this young fellah brings to the game, he's...oh wow, Joba has just pulled out several pieces of chicken that have been sculpted to look like Frank Thomas and is now dropping them in a deep fryer in front of Frank! I don't know where Joba got chicken shaped like Frank Thomas ladies and gentleman, but boy does it look dee-licious!! Now he's hissing in his face, doing the "double 6-shooters" again! Boy, is this kid exciting. soon as Joba is finished digging a hole using an 85 year-old WWII veteran from the Stadium Color Guard as a shovel he's gonna...yep, he's now kicked Frank into the hole, along with what looks like...11 lbs, Michael? 11? 11 pounds of gay porn in alongside Frank. Boy oh boy, the kid's exciting, isn't he? Ah, these kids!! The Stadium is rocking!!! And now, for the Blue Jays..."

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