Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Drives Me Fucking Crazy

I turn on "Mike and the Mad Dog", but am quickly subjected to a press conference introducing Donnie Walsh as the new boss of the Knicks. I hate these fucking introductory press conferences; they're just dragged-out bullshit pats on the backs and talks of "new beginnings!" and "next phase!" and character, integrity, committment blah blah fucking blah. Scripted kum-bye-yahs, but even more boring. Buncha platitudes and handshakes that mean nothing. Do they use the same script for every one of these anyway, no mater what sport or team? Camon. Why do they hafta televise this shit? They say absolutely nothing, what fan gives a shit about this? A quick announcement "Donnie Walsh is in" is all any fan needs to hear. Seriously, I'd rather hear Fatcessa and the Dog talk about pancake recipes.

"Mike, you use extra baking soda?"
"WWWOW, that's a gweat job, Mikey! One for the Big Guy!!!"

(Mike now lowered in bathtub of ice for his "mysteriously aching" knees)

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