Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Anniversary Baby!!!

19 years ago today, I went on my first date with my high school girlfriend/first love. What I vaguely remember:

1) She wore a purple sweater.
2) We went to the Ridge Cinema in Richmond and saw "Major League."
3) I believed we'd be in love forever.
4) On the way home, we made out like crazy at every red light.
5) I bought a Johnny Rivers tape at the mall.
6) We parked at the Hodge Podge, about a mile away from home on the way back, to make out.
7) We parked behind Sunnyside Grocery, about a hundred yards away from home on the way back, to make out.
8) I'm not sure, but I probably told her I was in love with her. Kicking off a lifetime habit of foolishly wearing my heart on my mouth.
9) The Indians won the pennant thanks to Jake Taylor's bunt.
10) Dinner? Pizza Hut. You're welcome, baby!!!


- Abe Lincoln died.
- The Titanic sank.
- Joey Ramone died.
- Tax day.

Christ. Shoulda known better.

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