Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Charlie America. Sigh.

The good people over at Tinsel and Rot thankfully reminded me of one of the internet's amazingly unintentionally funny rooms to hunker down in, the Charlie Daniel's Soap Box! I stumbled upon this little gem about a year ago and wrote about it here. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna spend most of the day now catching up on all the posts I've missed over the last year.

T & 'effin R has posted to point out Charlie's soapboxing re: The Devil Went Down to Georgia being on the latest version of "Guitar Hero." So I follow this link to here, where Charlie is angry!

Of course I still haven't gotten past the first paragraph cause I'm on the floor laughing at him actually saying "I heard they had used one of my songs." Really? "One of my songs"? Hmm. GEE, I wonder which song that could be?!?!??! Which deep album cut have they gotten their mitts on this time, Charlie? Can't you see him on the phone with his manager?

"It's true Charlie, they got one of your songs on there."
"Really? Hmm...Simple Man?"
"Stroker's Theme?"
"Charlie. Please."
"Uneasy Rider? I always-"
"Charlie! For fuck's sake, it's The Devil Went Down to Georgia!!!"
"REAlly? Hmm. Well, alright alright, I guess I can see that...nothing on Still in Saigon?"

Killing me. "One of my songs." Christ.

And of course further perusal quickly showed Charlie makes my case for my earlier Obama post here. I mean gotdam, how much more can Charlie Daniels give?!?!?!?

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