Thursday, April 10, 2008


I have decided to take over the whole blog universe (Blogiverse -write it down, bitches!!) and become the King of this whole damn thing. Instead of doing it the nice way with pithy observations, childhood anecdotes and being the best writer online, I'm doing it the old-fashioned way: taking it to the streets. That's right, I'm going thorugh each and every blogger there is and beating the shit out of them, and I'm not stopping til I got my boot heel on the last blogger's fucking neck and I am declared King Bloggah. And my first randomly chosen beatdown is this guy:

Code Intensity.

I have no idea who this motherfucker is, or what the hell he writes about. Though I do have an idea what his next post will be: "Xmastime beat my ass down in the street and made me cry like a bitch. This blog is closed forever, Hail to the King." So I am issuing a public challenge for this shithead to meet me at a randomly chosen address...I'll say 38 Tillary Street here in 8:00am tomorrow morning. That's right bitch, I'm giving you one final night to post your stupid shit about mittens and puppies, kiss your boyfriend and get a good night's sleep before getting my fist buried in your fucking skull. And you better fucking show, or everyone will see that you punked out like a BITCH. See you there, Code Intensity: YOU ARE HEREBY CALLED OUT!!!!

KING BLOGGAH (hollah!)

On Deck: Angry John Sellers. Rest up, you fuggin douche!!!!!


BayonneMike said...

AJS plays for Turkey's Nest. Maybe you can take him out before the game for inspiration.

SKL said...

Did you seriously pick a guy from the WBSL randomly from all the blogs in the world? No matter, he's a bit of a dick anyway.

Anonymous said...

nah man. john sellers is cool. he plays third basss, xmastime, tha hot corner, son! c'mon. he ain't mad atCHA. shit.

Anonymous said...

nobody messes with Jesus.

Gina said...

you gonna slap the bitches too?