Thursday, April 24, 2008

"Real" Housewives

The thing I don't understand about this season's The Real Housewives of NYC is that none of them seemed to know each other before the season. Did Bravo bring them together - here's your castmates, now mingle? It's weird; right away they're going to the Hamptons together, bringing kids together etc etc. Other than Jill (heart) having her "gay husband", none of them seem to have any friends before the show starts. How does this work? Whack.

And enough has been said re: what social climbing pretentious wanna-bes douchebags Alex and Simon are I don't need to go on and on.


You know, I don't baby-talk with The Short Bus or Lil Bear. I speak relatively normal. But while I speak adult with them, I also don't feel the need to take ten minutes explaining cancer to them. "Well Francois, cancer is when the cells..." Francois is three. It's bad enuff he's gonna get his ass beat in school cause of his gay name; once they realize what a fucking faggot he and his folks are, it's fucking lights out for Francois.

And, to make matters worse, out of ALL the housewives through the years, the ONE you couldn't pay me to fuck is the one who poses nude. Fucking christ.

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