Sunday, April 06, 2008

This is Ouuuuuuuur Country

Now we've seen it all: violence over hot dogs

Hey, I'm with dude here - if I wanted to be eating hot dogs for dinner, I'd have fucking stayed single!!! (hiyyyoooooo?) But my favorite thing here is apparently, at least the way it reads here, there just happened to be a handgun within reach at the dinner table. Now that seems odd, don't it? I mean, how bad a cook can this woman be, that the guy feels the need to keep a gun handy "just in case"? Wow. Or maybe if you have a gun in the dining room, perhaps the marriage isn't so rosy in the first place, n'est pas? Maybe there's another room in the house where a tube of meat sheathed in skin ISN'T getting served?

Give this couple credit for being the Americans of the Week however, for in a single meal they managed to combine the two things that are as American as it gets: hot dogs and guns.

A shame Charlton Heston isn't here to enjoy it. Sigh.

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