Friday, May 09, 2008

I Give Up.

Remember that woman a coupla months ago who was counting down the days til she killed herself and wrote a daily blog about it? I think she started at like Day 80, and counted down. I have no idea what happened, if she actually did it or not. But my point is, I’m gonna do that now. Let’s face it – anybody’s gonna be committing suicide, it should be me right. How much more of a broke-down man man do I hafta be? I’m amazed I made it this far. No woman. No prospects. No money. No prospects. No life. No prospects. So what the fuck, might as well do the deed myself and make it entertaining.

Maybe I'll film me doing it, make it a Fireside Chat, have the camera going? Guess it doesn’t really matter. She did what, 80 days? I’ll be honest – that’s a little soon for me. But I do like the round numbers. I think what’s more important right now than any of the specifics is that I’ve committed myself to doing it, right? Pick a date, countdown, have some laughs, goodbye. So my next post will start the actual countdown. The title will be the number of the day I’m counting down from, and I’ll post every day leading up to the event. I already miss you guys!!!



Gina said...

Good Lord, Wilson!!!!!! Come on. Please don't do that. Don't even think about doing yourself in. Am I going to have to call the PESS unit? Because I WILL. Somebody better get over there, wherever you are, right away and take you to the ER. Call 911. Take yourself to the ER! In the meantime, you need to stop thinking cleepy thoughts. Put on some nice music and dance around a bit. Read the bible. Put the Christ back in Xmastime.

Stinking prospects. Who needs em.

Kleingärtner said...

I thought you died 3 years ago?!?! Rot! Ol' buddy! Meet me at the LES Printshop at 9 on Saturday!