Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Obama '08

I'm thrilled to see Obama officially winning the nomination - it's both a historic moment and a necessary one. Historic for obvious reasons, and necessary as the perfect antidote to the last 8 years.

But unlike the whiny fucks either in the media or with access to the media, I never had a problem with Clinton hanging in as long as possible. Isn't that what campaigns are for - to give us as much time and info on a candidate as possible? Also, for everybody's blathering re: "what is America" and "values" blah blah blah, what's more American than hanging in there, fighting and scrapping even when the chips are down? When was the last time we ever deified someone for being "a great American quitter"?

It's amusing to me that the ones who cried and whined about Hillary's supposed "sense of entitlement" to the nomination became the same ones who bitched and moaned when she stuck around, grousing that she was fouling up HIS victory lap for the past few months. How DARE she not fall into line when Obama starting winning delegates!!! I guess the only entitlement people think is valid is their own.

So she ran, she lost, he ran, he won, great!! I never saw how it was possible that having two strong candidates could possibly DESTROY!!!!! the party, as the media was wanting us to believe.

Now we gotta worry about beating McCain. Which will be shockingly difficult. unfortunately.


Nerdhappy said...

I cant agree with you on this one. She was statistically eliminated long ago, and I cant help but think she hopes McCain will win so that she can run again in 2012. The party would be stronger and more unified if she had dropped out earlier and not done her absolute best to undermine his candidacy.

Xmastime said...

really? bad American!!! enjoy the next four years, Osama!!!
