Friday, July 11, 2008

And the Home of The Crave

I was thinking about this poor bastard the other day; dude whose life gets fucked up from beyond the grave thanks to Jesse Helms. Brave. Heroic. Stupid. All in one. I was thinking, is there any possible circumstance that I would ever give up ANYTHING because of a flag, much less a career in it's third decade? Is there any POSSIBLE scenario in which this could happen?

Then this morning I was walking with Short Bus and there she was, Ol Glory flying high with such pride I had to stop for a moment to collect myself. For this flag yes, I would give up pretty much anything to make sure she stays proudly waving. Well. More like wrapped around the pole, completely furled, but hey. "Is this how Frances Scott Key felt?" I asked myself.

Oh yeah, whoever was worried about the BBQ chicken rings...they're back.

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