Friday, July 11, 2008

Vote Your Faith: God's President in 2008

You know that thing in job interviews, when a candidate is asked for his/her greatest weakness and, after "mulling it over," replies with something akin to "you know, if there's one fault I have it's that I'm TOO MUCH of a team player; I put the team ahead of myself WAY too often." (Not to be confused with "I work TOO hard," of course. Or "I cannot read.")

Well, this comes to mind now that Bush's second term is winding down, and guess what? As a country, we find ourselves the victim of Bush's TOO-unselfish thinking. He has spent the greater part of eight years trying to alter our Constitution in order to save our country, bravely slashing at whatever amendments he can get his mitts on and gee, GUESS WHICH ONE he hasn't thought to get around to changing?

That's right - the 22nd, which limits him to only two terms in office. If he wasn't so damn busy ignoring the Constitution in ways that make us a better, SAFER country, then he could actually focus on the ONE amendment that would benefit himself (and thusly, if I may say so, AMERICA.) But no. Too damn unselfish to worry about such things himself.

So please, visit WRITE IN BUSH - hey, if he won't take time away from bravely taking on the Constitution to save our asses, the least we can do is write in and insist on what we all know is what's for the best: FOUR MORE YEARS!!!

I mean, damn people...we are IN A WAR!! HELLO?!?!?!!?!?

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