Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Facebook College Crush Update (Episode: So Long, Baby. It's Been For Reals.)

Invitation back into my life?


Good luck with future projects/douchebags.


Nerdhappy said...

You did the right thing. If she hasnt checked her facebook friend request yet and sees the withdrawal this weekend, she'll come to you. Will Xmastime then say:

A) Sure, how silly of me to have withdrawn my request!
B) You had your chance biznitch! Hit the road!
C) I ran away when I ran to you, I didnt know what I'm supposed to do. I shoulda said I love romance, I shoulda said, you know I love to dance.
D) Keep her hanging indefinitely...

Xmastime said...

a line from the greatest band of all time!! It's official, Nerdhappy is my new favorite peep of all time!!! :)

and I'd hafta say

E) Tell me where you live; I can be at the Chinatown bus station in 29 minutes!!! I love you!!!!!!!

sigh. tuff guy.