Thursday, July 31, 2008

Greatest Hits, Track 6

Tonight Dave was telling me about playing with Bruce at Giants Stadium the other night and somehow we got to scheming re: getting Christine to Bruce's house and falling off one of his horses so we can sue Bruce's a$$ off, and it made me go down memory lane a bit with this post from....January. Hmm. So far back. Anyways, enjoy!

I spent the weekend crying in my Cheerios that I wasn't gonna post me and Dave's E Street radio show after all; I was steaming about the powers that be taking liberties with cutting out what I remembered to be some great "bits" (my complete resequencing of The River!!!)and replacing them with cuts we never chose ourselves, a la "Price You Pay" and "Working on the Highway." I was en fuego as I recall, and now I feel neutered. But then I remembered you know what, it's not about Xmas for once, it's all about a coupla guys getting to blow up Bruce, which I'm always more than happy to do. So here it is, enjoy!

PS - I fucked up the recording near the end; and of course the part that gets cut is me talking about what I woulda put on Born in the USA. Ah well. Say la vee.

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