Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just W Being W

Over on ESPN.COM there’s a funny quiz wherein you hafta guess if a certain line was said by/about Brett Favre or Manny Ramirez, both of whom have caused their teams aggravation while on the way out the door. Incredibly, as I was reading the quotes I realized that with over half of them, a third name could’ve applied.

Brett Favre
Manny Ramirez
George W. Bush


"I'm tired of them. They're tired of me."

"He makes more money than everyone else at the company yet somehow escapes the usual class resentment, and even commands more respect from the wage slaves, who suspect he is secretly one of them, than from his colleagues in business class."

"I think the sooner the better for all of us involved: [him], myself, our organization, our team. That's my opinion on it, but I don't have control over that and I have to keep moving forward."

"It's a shame it had to come to this."

"That's something neither side wants, but it would be the next stage in the game."

"Hopefully, this whole situation will come to an end fairly quickly. Quite honestly, if it doesn't, it just gets worse for everyone."

"I'm sure there are a lot of fans out there thinking, from what they've heard, that [I am] a traitor, [I want] to play elsewhere." (ha! as in...becoming president of Iraq, as I suggested HERE?)

"I'm just going to say it's disappointing. I'm not going to get into anything else. It's disappointing."

"The nonsense has reached a point where it's just not worth it anymore."

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