Thursday, July 31, 2008

McCain's a Doucheshoe

It's absurd to anyone with half a brain to take McCain's accusations of Obama being an elitist seriously, many reasons of which are listed here. But it will be fun to sit back and see how many dumbass red state middle class jagoff idiots fall for this shit for a THIRD time in a's that beer with Bush going, guys?

And if you're gonna play this game, don't fucking show up in $500 shoes. And if you're gonna be dumb enough to play this game and yet still wear shoes that cost $500, at least have the brains to choose some that are from the country you claim to put first, above all else. I wonder how many jackasses out there who went apoplectic over John Edwards' $400 haircut will have a problem with McCain's shoes. Hmm. That's a real mystery.

On a side note though, I must say it's great to see that you can get your ass handed to you in a Super Bowl and still recover enough to succeed wildly in the Italian shoe game. Kudos!


Rambler said...

Ass handed to you? Dude, Vince played great in that Super Bowl and the Rams almost pulled off the biggest upset in history. Yes, the final score was 31-19, but that game was back and fourth throughout until Vince made one mistake trailing 24-19 and threw a pick to Jack Lambert (worse was that Billy Waddy was wide fucking open in the end zone) and the Steelers tacked on one more score.

Say what you want about McCain, but don't you dare dis Vince.

Xmastime said...

hahaha! noted! the Ramblers pissed!! :)