Wednesday, July 16, 2008

McCain's On It!!

My favorite part of McCain's speech yesterday was how the crowd went batshit with a standing ovation when he claimed that if elected president he will, once and for all, capture Osama Bin Laden.

"I will get Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice. I will do that."

Hmm. Really? I mean, Bush is a fucking idiot and all, but he's had the exact same resources you'll have and he never got him; what makes you think you will? This is how stupid these people are - 7 years are not getting Bin Laden, and yet this jackoff says "I'll get him" and they lose their minds applauding. "Oh, YEAH!! Hey, he just said he'll get him! It's in the bag! High five!!!"

What? I mean, why not just fucking campaign on "If elected I'll give everyone a million dollars in poker chips. And I will find out how The Sopranos really ended. I will do that."

Oh, wait...maybe McCain has a secret plan to get Osama? Maybe...maybe he's already got him!!!!! Of course, I would think it'd be smart if he handed him over now, no? Wouldn't you win the election in a landslide if instead of being the guy saying "I'll get Bin Laden!" you can say "hey, I'm the guy that got Bin Laden"?


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