Thursday, July 31, 2008

Where Do I Send My CV?

Who's the wizard that's running the McCain campaign? The dad from Family Guy? Seriously, can I send my resume in? I can't do any worse; I think in the meeting of brainiacs that decided to go with Britney and Paris in the "Obama is a celeb" video I might've spoken up that we instead use, you know...anybody else. Maybe a celebrity or two that isn't associated with white trash, stupidity and drunk driving. But enough about Laura Bush. Hey, OJ's famous, why not use him?

But I'll you what I love about these political ads: the now-ubiquitous "I'm Candidate Shithead, and I approved this ad." Hmm. Really? It's like the airport "did you pack your bag yourself" question, right? "No, I have no idea what the hell is in here. I'm hoping sweet tarts and a deck of cards." Just once I'd like to see a politician show up at the end of one of these ads with "I'm Candidate Shithead. And I have no idea what the fuck this ad was about." Paid for by Whatshisface, the Guy with the Baby Arm.

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