Friday, August 01, 2008

Exxon Dodeez

Exxon Mobil once again reported the largest quarterly profit in U.S. history Thursday, posting net income of $11.68 billion on revenue of $138 billion in the second quarter.

HA! All you liberal tree-hugging surrender monkeys can suck a bag of rocks. All your crying about the economy, your fucking boo-hooing about the price of gas and looky here - SOMEone is making money at a record pace! Quit crying for government handouts, pull yourselves up by the bootstraps and make something of yourself, for fuck's sake!! Hell, I bet next quarter we'll be reading about Exxon making an even BIGGER profit - all while you're curling up in the fetal position waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh "I can't buy gas! wwaaaaaaaaahhhh I gotta work two job, I'm losing my house!" For fuck's sake, look at Dylan McKay - dude has no family, no college education. He doesn't even have a job, and he's fucking LOADED! I don't see him crying about gas prices.

Quit feeling sorry for yourself, and think "hey, if Exxon can make $1500 profit every second, why can't I?" It's called free-market capitalism, for chrissake.

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