Wednesday, August 20, 2008

James Ingram. Sigh.

Watching The Apartment for the first time the other night, I realized that Jack Lemmon's character is an almost-perfect amalgamation of Ducky from Sixteen Candles (goofy dude pining for girl who is into richer dude) and the kid who's heart gets broke in The Last American Virgin (takes care of girl even after douchebag she had rejected him for has shit on her.) I guess the "almost" is in the fact that in The Apartment they end up together, unlike in the other flicks.

Is there any more bone-crushing, gut-kick of an ending than in The Last American Virgin? Is that even possible? And would such an ending even had come out today? Jesus; the ol' "lose the girl to the playah douchebag when you, the girl, AND the douchebag know that he'll use her up some and spit her out again, but your felt and glitter scrapbook of special moments in your pathetically platonic 'relationship' will never mean shit to her" is a tuff one, for sure. Almost as bad as getting in fight with the dude to "protect her honor," only to have the dude beat the shit out of you, the last sounds you hear before passing out being her laughing "what a pussy! want a rimjob?" as she walks away with him. That's a tuff one too. Of course I haven't spoken to a girl since "gay" meant "bright and showy," so what the fuck do I know.

CORRECTION: Ducky was of course in Pretty in Pink, not Sixteen Candles.


Gina said...

"shut up and deal"

i loved that movie. especially the old fridgidaire and other kitchen appliances. Good old Jack Lemon.

Cookieface said...

Ducky was actually in Pretty in Pink.

You may also know Ducky as Jon Cryer a.k.a "Allan" from the hit T.V.sitcom "Two and a Half Men," quite possibly the least funny show on to "The Jeff Foxworthy Show."

Anonymous said...

Oh man, you're the only other human being I now know of (other than myself and my best friend from jr high) who has heard of Last American Virgin. NO ONE ever has any idea what I'm talking about when I mention it. Which, you know, happens in casual conversation all the time... but STILL! Exciting!

Kiko Jones said...

Man! I just brought up this movie in conversation yesterday w/ a couple of fellow Gen-Xers...who didn't know what I was talking about, either!

And no, X, there is not a "more bone-crushing, gut-kick of an ending than in The Last American Virgin." I don't know how my teenage self didn't decide to hate women right there and then. (If you're not familiar w/the movie, the previous 15 mins or so before the ending--all the shit he does for her--that leads up to the clip just make it even more of a solar plexus obliteration.