Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Let the Clintons Go, For Fuck's Sake

Hillary did her job last night. Period. You can cry and whine and sniff while you parse the speech, saying she didn't do enough in your own mind; fine, whatever. Who gives a shit - her job is done. I don't wanna hear anymore about her needing to unify the party, she and Bill are being selfish blah blah blabbity blah. All this is mindless recitation by people who cannot think of anything relevant to say.

I understand the hardcore Hillary supporters are upset. Hey, maybe I would be if Edwards had gotten that close (insert "yes, but he was too busy getting head from his girlfriend while getting a $9000 haircut in his 45-mile home" joke here.) Take some time to get over it, that's fine. But come November it's YOUR turn to do your job. Pout about your loss and don't vote for Obama, well then be prepared to pay the price. Andrew Sullivan said it best:
John McCain is making it quite clear what his foreign policy will be like: tilting sharply away from the greater realism of Bush's second term toward the abstract moralism, fear-mongering and aggression of the first. Not just four more years - but four more years like Bush's first term....If Americans decide they want a president who will be more aggressive and less diplomatic than the current one, then they should at least brace for the consequences - for their economy and their security.

Quit falling for this trap of spending time crying and whining about the Clintons like little babies, get your heads outta your asses and focus on what McCain doesn't want you to focus on: McCain.

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