Saturday, August 09, 2008

Sorry, Marley!!!

Poor, sweet naive Marley...he of course showed up in an email with the EXACT quote I knew he would:
You left out a word on my quote, making me look like a doofus - just like the liberal media. So I smite thee with my favorite Bob Shrum quote:

Kerry talked with several potential picks, including Gephardt and Edwards. He was comfortable after his conversations with Gephardt, but even queasier about Edwards after they met. Edwards had told Kerry he was going to share a story with him that he’d never told anyone else—that after his son Wade had been killed, he climbed onto the slab at the funeral home, laid there and hugged his body, and promised that he’d do all he could to make life better for people, to live up to Wade’s ideals of service. Kerry was stunned, not moved, because, as he told me later, Edwards had recounted the same exact story to him, almost in the exact same words, a year or two before—and with the same preface, that he’d never shared the memory with anyone else. Kerry said he found it chilling...

This is what I love about these people...we're not supposed to believe Kerry when it comes to his service in Vietnam. Sorry, we don't believe Kerry about any of that stuff, he's a liar. About medals that are documented by the Defense Department. Hmm. And yet when it comes to some private, clandestine meeting with Edwards whispering in his ear, oh now THAT'S true, THAT we're supposed to believe. Hmm. Kinda like picking and choosing which parts of the Bible they wanna rule my life with, I guess. Interesting.

And yes, by "these people," I mean the blacks. HIYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Declaring war on Marley is of course bittersweet...he will beat you, he will slap you around, he will embarrass you, and he will win, but you'll have a great time while he's doing it! :)


Anonymous said...

Grace after ignominy should be your guide, Xmastime. You are not attractive when lashing out. More attractive than when you're eating barbecue, but still, not attractive.

It is simple. Edwards took you. You sat like a North Carolina juror, getting moist as he spoke of his hardscrabble roots (you actually thought he was a coal miner's son with a cleft palate, rather than the mere son of a textile mill middle manager with a Kirk Douglas chin, so dazzled were you by his charm).

And now, he has proved you not only foolish, but actually, he has shown himself to have been the greatest potential threat to your greatest threat - 4 to 8 more years of rule by The Empire. If we are to believe your warmed-over Springsteenesque paens to all those Steinbeckian characters we call "the poor" (well, I call them "hobos" and "smack fiends") then your savior, the man you grace your heart and blog to, was willing to consign those rustic, noble savages to more years of Bush II just so he could bone him some strange (and pay her, tally running, upwards of $250k - that we know of). For had he been the nominee, all the flowery essays you could have mustered would not have been able to save him from this scandal and a 44 state thrashing in November.

While you allowed him to pimp his sick wife, you also allowed him to endanger the political cause of your era.

And even now, much like Edwards, you just can't say "well, aren't I the dickhead with the clap?" He states "But being 99 percent honest is no longer enough . . . . You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself. I have been stripped bare and will now work with everything I have to help my family and others who need my help."

And you have to prattle on about how Kerry was believable in the eyes of some but not others, thus discrediting a story Kerry did not even recount (it was related by his campaign manager). And that story is the fitting emblem to what a mean little shit Edwards really is. Cue Bob Dole: You know it, I know it, and the American people know it.

All so you can avoid saying what you absolutely now must know to be true - Edwards is charlatan, a liar and even though he may be a silver-tongued devil, he wooed you, wined you, and left you with a dose and the bill.

Act with class, say your penance and be glad he didn't leave you with 4 to 8 years of McCain.

[By the way -- "And yes, by 'these people,' I mean the blacks. HIYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" - what can I say? You're like Carson. No matter how bad the bit, you save it].

(and I want this on the main page, ya' big fag, not for me, but dammit - for the children)

Gina said... there's some Marlian daggers you can pick your teeth with.