Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Ever since I first stumbled upon it about 20 years ago when I first read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Poonhound, I've been annoyed when books don't have quotation marks. Wtf. Hey, you wrote a book, I've already given you credit for being a "creative artist" - you don't need to work overtime and show me you've been working on changing actual punctuation.

Of course, I don't know who does this, the author or the publsiher. Either way, it's annoying. It's

"I like green eggs and ham, Sam I am, hey - who shit in the sink?"


I like green eggs and ham, Sam I am, hey - who shit in the sink?

whilst in the middle of prose, or

- I like green eggs and ham, Sam I am, hey - who shit in the sink?

Ohh, a dash. You showed me. Too good for quotes! Now I'll really pay attention to your shitty novel!


When I write a book it's gonna be:

tittiesI like green eggs and ham, Sam I am, hey - who shit in the sink?titties.

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