Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Oh boy, they just put up the first beam for the 9/11 Memorial down at Ground Zero. Hey, it only took 7 years, good for them.

Hold up...a BILLION dollars? Are you shitting me? A BILLION dollars...just for building a museum of "memories" about 9/11? What the fuck? I wrote HERE a few weeks ago re: the paranoia of 3 seconds going by without 9/11 being mentioned. Now we're spending a BILLION dollars for this? Not rebuilding Ground Zero, mind you, but a fucking museum? Really?

I don't know about you, but wouldn't you feel better spending, oh, $5 million on this and sending the rest to New Orleans? Or taking care of NYC's impoverished thousands? Hell, free subways for a month? ANYthing?

You gotta be shitting me. Why don't we just fucking pay Guiliani $20/hr to stand there and yap about it to anyone who'll listen; it's what he does anyways.

A BILLION dollars! Jesus christ.

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