Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I have no doubt that Sarah Palin will blow the roof off in Minneapolis tonite. Why not? She young, energetic, fresh...and hot. Okay, that last one was for me. She'll be great. All the right will be a-tizzy "Did you see that speech?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!" for a few days, until the buzz wears off and people start reminding themselves that to get a job at McDonald's you have to meet the boss more times than McCain met with her before offering the job to her. These speeches are a little overvalued anyways (yes, even Obama's); hell, Dick Vitale could walk in off the street and have the place rocking, so to think that you should decide the country's future on her speech is a little absurd.

Her family's very presence, including her kid's babydaddy, serves a reminder to the question of is it even possible for the GOP to find a VP whose personal life doesn't directly contradict his political ideology? Cheney with his gay daughter, Palin with her daughter an unmarried pregnant we hafta go back to Quayle NOT insisting everybody know how to spell "potatoes" correctly?

I will enjoy the speech. First cause she's hot, secondly cause the pundits are gonna sprain their backs jumping around putting on the performance of their lives, screeching re: how amazing she was. And hot! :)

PS - I'm getting a bit annoyed with her fans popping hamstrings to point out how popular she is in her state, with an 80% approval rating. Huh? I'm like hell, how is it that low? You stop 100 people on the street here in NYC and ask about the governor - half won't even know who he is, 30 of them won't care who he is, and the rest are annoyed you stopped them to ask a question in the first place. And that's in New York - from what they looooooove to tell us about Alaska, all Alaskans care about is 1) leave me alone 2) can _______ hunt? So them coming up with this 80% number, I'm sorry, but I'm not impressed.

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