Monday, September 08, 2008

Almost Anchorman

I don't care to make a big deal out of John McCain graduating 894th out of a class of 899 - hell, he graduated from the Naval Academy, what can you say. It ain't like how I did at a pretend, fairy-tale college. Whatevs. Who cares, he graduated. Good enough.


What with the shit we're in 8 years after electing as President a guy who has revelled in his C- status and wears his intellectual non-curiosity and disinterest in reading like badges of honor, we don't really need to CELEBRATE McCain's underachieving, do we?


Anonymous said...


You tried to make Palin the dumb bimbo whore and you got ass raped. Lowered the bar to the hot for teacher with the white-trash pedigree and, well, soooey!

Now, McCain the dummy?

I dunno, brother. I'm beginning to think you clowns prefer the rarified air of the high moral and intellectual ground as opposed to the putrid stench of, you know, winning.

I bet you're a Tony Eason fan.

Bad economy for the GOP - check

A candidate who is most comfortable saying "Het, get the fuck off my lawn" - check

A president at the approval rating of Sirhan Sirhan - check

The Democrats fucking up the ham sandwich by making a race that shouldn't even be within 10 points close because they can't jettison their mantra of "we are smart, you are stupid, and (BONUS!!!!) racist" - check

You just took a 6-1 nag and made him 2-1, chumplefat.

Anonymous said...

Oh . . . looking forward to seeing you next Saturday. You going to The Feelies?

Xmastime said...

nah. not into smart, intellectual lofty bands


Anonymous said...


Xmastime said...

Surely someone with McCain's CV has better items to write entire articles about other than "oh look, he finished at the bottom of his class! Just like YOU would've, if you had gotten into the USNA!! Which, of course, you couldn't have in 1000 years!!"

Anonymous said...

seen how many colleges Palin went to before she got her degree? Like, 4.


Anonymous said...

She went to four colleges so she could be in Playboy's Girls of the SEC, Big Ten, ACC and Big Sky.

Xmastime said...

she's twice as hot now as she was in 1984. gotdam!