Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Beverly Hills 9021Oh No, Another Shitty Title By Xmastime

Curfew negotiations in the Walsh House:

Papa Walsh: Be home by 12!
Brenda: 12:45!
Papa Walsh: 12:30!
Brenda: 12:45!
Papa Walsh: not ONE minute later!!

Curfew negotiations in my house when I was in high school:

Papa Xmas: be home at 12.
Xmastime: 12:45!
Papa Xmas: (glare)
Xmastime: 12:30!
Papa Xmas: (glare)
Xmastime: 12:10?
Papa Xmas: (slowly lowering book, readjusting glare)
Xmastime: maybe....maybe I should stay in...
Papa Xmas: (glare, eye cocked)
Xmastime: you know what, that living room floor isn't gonna sand itself, I should get started...

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