Thursday, September 04, 2008

Bout One Click from Racist

Anybody else uncomfortable with Palin making snarky comments re: Obama's experience as a community organizer? Cause let's be honest: "community" usually = "black community." Inner city, black communities. Such snide, eye-rolling derision from someone from small-town Alaska seems a TAD out of order. I'm thinking she's never come with miles of anyone who's been a community organizer; pretty dangerous on her part to take the bait from McCain's speechwriters so gamely.


Unknown said...

Alaskan Independence is about five pubic hairs away from sucking White Nationalist dong. They're nuzzling the inside of the thigh just seeing if Alaska really wants the full-on knob-slob. I've got five bucks there's tape of her at some event (not in Xmastime's bedroom) where somebody makes an off-color joke, emphasis on the color.

Anonymous said...

Xmastime, others have seen what you have too. Enjoy (post on community organizers):

Kiko Jones said...

Someone should point out to the right-wing evangelical-Tina Fey-lookalike that Jesus was a community organizer and Pilate was a governor.

Just sayin'.