Friday, September 19, 2008


Tuff week and a half for McCain. Got slapped around on The View. And then has his wife crying in the media that he was slapped around; that they were too rough on him. I'm sure Putin is shaking in his mukluks. Then of course Wall Street implodes, thanks in part to all of his deregulation-fying ways...and it turns out one of his senior advisers was pretty much the Darth Vader of the Deregulation Death Star. And now it turns out that he wants to kick off a war with Spain. Spain. Who was last seen bringing us spanish rice, Enrique Iglesias, and Spanish. Oh yeah, and Palinistan is crumbling. Poor dude. Take the weekend off, buddy. Have a few caramels, watch some Columbo, get back on it Monday!

"I picked a BAD week to switch stool softerners..."

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