Monday, September 08, 2008

The Definition of Insanity:

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

Walking home from work just now I started thinking about the conversations I’ve had recently with friends of mine that are Republican, or at least thinking about voting Republican this time (sorry MORF…I do have other Republican friends ;) don’t get jealous!!)

A recurring theme throughout any of these discussions is that as a liberal of course I am a naïve, dreamy, head-in-the-sand foolish man-child. “You worry about saving whales and sending mice to college,” they smirk as they pat me on the head, “we’ll take care of national security and the economy.” To which, of course, I always think “Really? The economy? National security? Haven’t you guys pretty much fucked all that up beyond anybody’s wildest dreams?”

They in turn always act as if the last eight years never happened and don’t count, scoffing and chuckling lightly that oh, that’s different; NOW we know what we’re doing…and by “know what we’re doing” of course they mean "support the exact same group that has spent the last eight years getting NOT A SINGLE THING RIGHT." Their hands out, begging for more of the same. Then I got home, and saw this video via the UG.

And yet I’M the naïve one. Amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just say you're gay and self hating.

Is that inaccurate?