Saturday, September 13, 2008

Good Lord

Even the Army is wondering if McCain is a liar. Jesus. This is sad. When is this going to end? It's become truly pathological. If I was Obama I'd just hit the beach for a week or two and wait for this house of cards built on lie after lie to finally crumbles on top of McCain. Well, if black people cuold swim HIYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! ;)

Hat Tip: Matthew Yglesias.

I'll say this about McCain's near constant lying. He's kinda at the point of no return with it all, isn't he? On one hand I keep waiting for him to all of a sudden break off in mid-sentence and say "christ, I can't do this shit anymore" and walk off into the sunset. On the other hand, why not just fucking put the pedal to metal, no gov'ner fucking floor it? Just pile lie on top of lie and never stop; who knows, maybe it'll work. Just like my theory with Bush's mountainous pile of fuckups HERE, I think it's possible for McCain to simply keep lying so much that we all become inured to it, we stop even noticing, kinda simply gazing past everything with a mild "....hmmm, really, hmm..." I mean, it's only been a few weeks now, and can you even keep track of the lies that have piled up? Do you even notice anymore, does a McCain lie even surprise you now?

I think in a weird way when that happens people somehow set a sort of "reset" button - after weeks and weeks of it their brain is SO jumbled with lies that rather than deal with them they all get wiped away; their last few steps to the poll booth all of a sudden their mind clears and they're back where they started before: "oh yeah, McCain...maverick war hero!"

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