Saturday, September 13, 2008


There are few athletes I despise more than Curt Schilling - he's the typical loudmouth shitforbrains idiot that has brought down this country over the last ten years, confusing "patriotism" with "showing tired, corny, maudlin videos of wounded soldiers that should make us vote Republican." And yes, he's a Red Sox.

Today's post is perfect: young soldier? Check. Proud of his sacrifice for the Iraqi people? Check. Questioning the war = disrespecting the service of the soldiers? oh yeah, big check! And oh, oh, wait for it...oh, what do you know! Amputee!! Dramatic walkaway! Effffff you, liberal faggots!!! Curt, you did it!! You invented patriotism!! I really AM proud to be Lee Greenwood!!!

And of course as vile as Curt can be, with this oh, 94,223rd tearjerker video he and his ilk have shown us hey, he just wants us to watch this one without being "part of the loud noise." And oh yeah, McCain would neeeeeeeever sign off on this video. If there's one thing we've learned, it's that McCain gets more honorable and honest every day, right?

Anyways. Schilling's a jerkoff - anybody who actually DOES agree with the message of the video, fine; but you should be completely embarrassed by this played-out, insultingly mushy bullshit. Why not just have videos of kittens crying cause Obama killed Ol' Yeller?

But all that above's not even my main point. A lot of people for Obama have worked themselves into a frenzy lately re: why is this so close? How is McCain so close in the polls, much less winning in some? I addressed this HERE. It's important for the media to report the polls to be as close as possible so that we breathlessly check into watch Joe Scarborough every 5 minutes.

But I'm here to, again, tell everybody to relax. I think a real indicator of what people are thinking can be found in the comments section of Schilling's blog. I notice there have been 41 comments posted at this time. Can we assume that anyone bothering to take the time to post a comment would be an uber-Curt fan in the first place? Maybe either allowing themselves to be led by the nose by him a bit, or at least give him the benefit of the doubt (ie shut up if they disagree so as not to embarrass him)? Yet out of 41 comments, 35 basically pass on the message "Curt, you're a shithead." I'm paraphrasing.

That's 35 outta 41, that's 85%. 85% who are tired after all these years of shit like this; 85% who don't want this war even going on. Politicians and pundits love to talk about "the people", "the voice of the people", "the folks." So I take this informal poll more to heart than any of the bullshit they sling at us to get us worked up everyday.

Thanks, Curt!


UPDATE: Number 1, I just noticed that the way I wrote "dumbass", it looks as if that's how I'm signing my name at the end of a letter - "Sincerely, Dumbass." hahahaha Obviously I was calling CURT a dumbass. BUT. While I stand by every thing I said above about Schilling being an absolute shithead, in his defense he does a lot of charity work, which can be found on this page. Help is help, even if it's from a shithead, right?

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