Friday, September 05, 2008

McCain Speech

- Why is he called a soldier? Isn’t he a sailor? Lil too Village People for him?

- Smoking in his Hanoi prison video? What the fuck – hey, KIDS watch this shit, asshole!! NO CLASS!!!

- Narrator is repeating the phrase “when you’ve lived in a box...” re: McCain’s Hanoi stay. Hey, you know who else has lived in a box? THIS GUY. Guess what? I ain't voting for him, either.

- Ooooh, total darkness, waiting for him to appear…wouldn’t it be amazing if all of a sudden you hear the opening lick to “Detroit Rock City”? BLAMMO!!!! Lights on, smoke everywhere…it’s KISS, people!!! Let’s rock this fucking RNC!!!!!!!

- Now he’s trying to calm down the crowd. But they wont stop clapping. Maybe he should bomb them?

- If all of a sudden he broke out the Danny Glover “I’m too old for this shit” line, he’d get my vote. Camon! Do it!!

- Now he’s talking about how thankful he is for the President leading us the past 8 years. And now Papa Bush too…ironic, no? All this talk about bush and he leaves out Clinton. Hmm. No love.

- His wife is great at working for people with less good fortune than herself. Yes; they’re called “the human race.”

- “When I was a kid my father was often at sea…” hmmm. Was it raining a lot? Animals walking around in pairs?

- Who gets fucking paid to be the wizard behind the film footage behind him? “Okay, gimme a flag…okay, rolling flag….lets do a flag flying here…American, yes…let’s keep it together here, guys…” Somebody’s got a future in directing porn.

- No more special interest spending! No pork? Oh come now John….who’s the Muslim here?

- What the…I hate to do another age joke, but…is “Indian tribes” a phrase he wants to use here? Really?

- It’s WAshington, not WORshington!! Jesus. Maybe you are an “outsider.” As in “cannot speak the language.”

- I love how they never miss a chance to describe themselves as “The Party of Lincoln." Lincoln I'm sure would be so proud. Hmm. Or he'd be the most embarrassed party host in history. Well, up til Tommy Lee's lil pool get-together a few years back, I guess.

- McCain wants to help people “keep the fruits of their labor”…unless, of course, its actual fruit.

- The grandfather dying the day after the war thing is creepy. Like the ambulance crash at the end of “Airplane!” But, of course, funnier.

- His cellmate was "Bob Craner?" Really?

And what’s with all the talk about all the cell mates helping each other out…sounds like some pussy liberal handout bullshit to me!!



Rambler said...

How did you think to pull out the Tommy Lee pool party reference? Of course, I guess the Ted Kennedy summer bash let me give you a ride home reference gets old...

Nerdhappy said...

I thought he said WARshington... "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran".