Thursday, September 04, 2008


And these idiots that fall for this "maverick" shit over and over; you people truly deserve what you get. Fucking christ. "Maverick" is the new "Washington Outsider." Of course they're both synonymous with "nonsensical bullshit."

Bill Clinton once described being the president as slowly inching a boulder up a steep hill, a little bit each day. How shit's done; constant wheeling/dealing et al. But these idiots that constantly fall for McCain's maverick bullshit, for fuck's sake - they really picture McCain is gonna roll into the Oval Office on Day 1 screaming "alright that's IT!!! From now on all cars will be red, the Bills hafta leave the NFL and there will never, ever be taxes again!!! And will somebody answer that fucking phone?!?!?"

Listen up, asshole. There's only one true maverick. And this one really DOES fly too close to the edge!!!

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