Wednesday, September 03, 2008

New York Yankees.

It's a testament to how disappointing this year's Yankees have been that Mike Mussina, who I would've ridden out on a rail last year after he was kicked outta the rotation, is by far this season's MVP (Rivera notwithstanding.) How whack is that? I'm glad Mussina's having such a good year - but with this lineup, the ONLY player who is having ANY sort of noteworthy/career year is a 98 year-old pitcher who's never won twenty games? And shoulda been sent down to Carver High last year to pitch? Really?

A-Rod was injured but will end up with okay numbers. Just okay, certainly nothing remotely close to last year. Abreu, his normal numbers. Jeter's done nothing. Damon's hustled, but nothing. Cano has lost more games than Mussina. Pettitte has sucked, Posada's been hurt and Giambi was only in the lineup against right-handed pitchers born in months that end with "r" (thanks Girardi!!!)

I stand by what I thought a year ago in my endless arguments with Op - I woulda had no problem letting Moose go. Age/he sucked blah blah blah. But I will admit, he is the single bright spot in a dark, miserable season.

That ain't over yet!

1 comment:

Rambler said...

Moose learned he had to change to continue to succeed and he did. He is a power of example who should already have twenty wins. Losing Wang early and then Joba didn't help, but ultmately too much talent, not enough drive.