Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Palin's Speech

What'd they do with her titties??!?!?!?!?!!?!!!!!! Hold that a mini trench coat...? ooohhh, I'm greeting you at the door...

Her daughter has the J-Lo poodle cut. Sorry darling...J-Lo couldn't pull it off either.

Not loving her top.

"Graver challenges"? Awkward.

She's a bit off. Not doing it so far. Lil flat. Oh wait, I've already mentioned the top.

Be great if she took a break to breastfeed, no?

She was better at her intro speech last week. Camon, baby! Let the hair down, take off the specs!! Talk to us!!

Her daughters are Bristol, Willow and Piper. Also known as Alyssa Milano, Shannon Doherty. and Holly Marie Combs.

"our family has the same ups and downs as others...for instance, I was batshit enough to name our latest child after a math class. Boy, was THAT a fight! The First Dude got no tenderness between the sheets for two weeks, my friends!!"

This just in: Palin's from a small town! Wow!

She just said that small towns produced all our food and fought our wars. Really? Where are these "magic" towns?

Just told a pit bull joke. Michael Vick must be putting on his coming out suit!

Scan of the arena. Ain't seen this many empty seats since the shitters at last year's Immodium convention.

Jeez, she's hot. She looks like Tina Fey, but actually hot. Tina Fey like all you jackoffs WISH she looked.

Oh, she's not going to Washington to seek good opinions, she's going to Washington to serve the people of this country. You go girl!

Do you think she knows that by "Washington", we mean DC? Not the other one? The one within a solar system of her state?

No flagpin. Ohoh.

She got rid of the gubernatorial plane. Hey, maybe that wasn't such a great idea - who knows when and where that kid of hers is gonna pop that baby out. "Mom, it's coming!" "Dammit - we're 3000 miles from the nearest hospital!!" "well, get the plane!" "I sold it on eBay, honey...aren't I glib? I'ma maverick!!" (daughter getting fifth of whiskey/stick to bite on)

Crowd's rooting for her, but they're worn out after Rudy. Flagging.

A good time for a high school ex to spring up, declare his love on live tv.

Ohoh, taking on Obama...let's listen in...

Which one's McCain's wife and which one's his mother?

Funny, she's making fun of him for being a religious-esque figure...and yet she's part of the Jesus party. Interesting. Will come back to that one.

Bashing Obama! Crowd's booing!!! Hahahaha!!!

Seriously...which one is McCain's wife and which one's his mother?

I don't think I've jerked off during a VP candidate's speech since 2004. Man!

Putting me to sleep. Camon, baby!

Slam on Harry Reid wakes the crowd up!! Awesome; I hated Night Court too, baby!!

Wait, wait wait...she's talking about McCain in some sort of war, hold on....what's this? He was in Vietnam? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

I just realized that John McCain graduated high school in 1954. You know who else did? Jimmy Chitwood. McCain just got my vote.

I'll be honest. Wasn't as great as I thought she'd be. Oh, they're lifting her up, but I thought she'd be better. Little flat. Ah well.


ps - if you're gonna pass the retarded baby around for the cameras...then you better not cry tomorrow when people ask questions about the family. If you're gonna use it, use it. All I'm saying.

*******MCCAIN JUST SHOWED UP!!!! STOP THE PRESSES!!!!!!!!!*********************

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