Wednesday, September 03, 2008


How can you not like Huckabee? camon. Am I not human?????

And Rudy is like the drunk uncle making a toast at the wedding who won't leave, spurned on by drunken shouts. Love it.

Ohoh...NYC panoramic shot behind Rudy! Wouldn't it be awesome if in slow motion a plane comes flying in, and Rudy jumps up and smacks it down into the water? "Not in MY house, dawg!"

I'll say this. He's 100% wrong about everything he's said. He makes no sense, and is pinning every Republican failure on the Democrats. But he's having fun, and I'm loving it. Favorite speech of the conventions! He's my new Alec Baldwin, should be on SNL every week. For one it'd be funny, for two it keeps him away from government and makes the world a lot safer for the rest of us.

Olbermann cutting in on Rudy!???? SHUT UP KEITH!!!! I gotta hear this shit.

Does Rudy have eyeballs?

Boy, is he awful with the teleprompters and gestures.

The mayor line was an A+! love it!

Palin's got a tough act to follow. Rudy's a complete jerkoff, but he's fun to watch with a crowd. Like a beachball.


Is Cindy McCain holding the Downs kid? Really? Looks very natural. Like a ... well, like a millionaire beer heiress holding a retarded kid. Hmm.

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