Thursday, September 25, 2008

Q&A with McCain!

Because I am the one and only Xmastime, I was offered a chance to sit down with John McCain today. I was lucky enough to catch him during a break while he was single-handedly saving the planet from economic ruin – putting his campaign on hold; ie putting aside his own interests for those of JOHN Q. AMERICA.

No, McCain is not an economist. Nor has he ever been one. In fact, he once famously claimed to not know anything ABOUT economics – but you know what? Leaders lead, and heroes hero. So he’s stepped in and saved our asses. I was allowed to ask him exactly four questions.

Oh yeah…his voice was shot from all the directives he had been giving, so to save what was left of his voice he would not speak for his answers, but use gestures. Good enough for me.

QUESTION 1: Senator McCain, How will the average American be affected? ANSWER HERE.

QUESTION 2: What is the lesson to be learned from this crisis, and what kind of precautions should be taken? ANSWER HERE.

QUESTION 3: What are the prospects for emerging market such as Turkey, which rely on exports, plus have seen massive foreign capital inflows during the past 5 years? ANSWER HERE.

QUESTION 4: What will be the impact on the dollar? ANSWER HERE.

I'd like to officially thank Senator McCain from taking the time to speak with me in such a time of crisis. Thanks again, and good luck!

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