Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sarah Palin

I've had a lot of fun with Sarah Palin over the last week; certainly I've fallen in love with her. I hope during my rampant dog-like pantings of lust I haven't been too dismissive of her actual achievements - becoming the governor of a state is impressive, period. There's no arguing that.

But once the Convention is over, and the weeks drag on and the excitement starts to run out of the GOP mouthpieces, once they see that it was a pick made solely of McCain's arrogance, they'll see what Palin was set up to be: a stooge. A stooge that was picked from obscurity and in return agreed to recite whatever lies she was told to say, including lying about her OWN actions and beliefs. Sold to the desperately wanting as a "maverick"...yet have you ever seen anybody so quick to sprint out and say exactly what she's told to say, all while asking "please, I can do more!"? "wheel out my Down's infant kid? You got it!!"

So there will come a time when the excitement's over, and she will go back to Alaska thinking what a great opportunity she was given...and will never be heard from politically again. First will come the rumblings of the blame game...she will be blamed if McCain loses. I promise. Then she will always be a sort of punchline - anytime some attractive woman tries to run for an office, the Palin jokes will be cracked. The jokes comparing her daughter to Jamie Lynn Spears will be ad nauseum, as will the jokes about her future "redneck" husband.

What does this mean for women? Well, it gives men another chance to point out that women can't run for such high office. "The Palin experiment failed." Women for prez/vp set back another generation. A dolled-up sycophant who does what she's told with a smile on her face? Is this who women want breaking this glass ceiling for them?

And oh the time she's back in Alaska, people will be watching her speech last night, and remarks on her snarky potshot comments will go from today's "oooh, she's so fiesty!!" to "boy, what a bitch."

Nobody deserves that. I'm hoping the undecideds (grrrr...fuck them HERE) will see what McCain has done and choose thusly; ensuring the next choice involving a woman running is not a frivolous one.


Anonymous said...

In paragraph 3, I could hear everyone of those lame Palin jokes coming out of Xmastime's mouth, too. Then, of course, bringing the funny with a keenly placed fisting reference. YORF.

Xmastime said...

of course! that's my point. in doing all this, McCain has given her to us like lobbing a softball at the company picnic to Barry Bonds in 2001.

and then fisting a squirrel! :)