Monday, September 01, 2008

A Test

I lost my cell phone a few days ago, and was given another one by GIHYB. Who, some of you may know, is the cousin of my first love from high school. Whom I haven't really spoken to in 15 years, has two kids etc etc.

I was updating the contacts on my new fone and noticed that some of his old numbers were on there. Including...hers.


I will delete her number at 5pm. Who thinks I can resist calling her before then? Maybe I'll up the ante and have a few beers, just to make it interesting...


Anonymous said...

Did you call her?

Gina said...

you remembered her number? 15 years. ...2 children. Is she married? That's the thing. Skip the beer. It turns to formadehyde in your body and turns your liver into a wasteland of useless leather and cardboard. Be well,