Monday, September 01, 2008

My New Diet Plan

Diet Coke and Advil. Nothing but. No fat, no calories, no carbs. I'm alert, feel great. Course, might be the buzz of the 24-hour "BFF of BH 90210" marathon they're running on SoapNet all day. (break only for my third viewing of the latest Mad Men.)


Tricia said...

it's official, you may be a lost cause.

Gina said...

did you know that diet soda turns to formadehyde in your body? Can't metabolize Nutrasweet(Aspartame is EVIL). So you have every right to feel better, G. You're embalming yourself slowly. The Advil helping your knees? Too much can give you tinnitus. Ringing in your ears for the rest of your natural life...
Stop the maddness. Get some Ubiquinol 50 mg a day, and Glucosamine Condroitin. Seriously. I mean well. Be well!