Wednesday, September 03, 2008

White Light, White Heat, White Trash

Turns out Palin's husband had a DWI years ago. Seriously, between the husband and the teen daughter being pregnant and her redneck idiot boyfriend, is this family what happens if you put George W. Bush and Britney Spears in a room together and roll the cameras? Awesome. How much more white trash can they get - are we gonna find out later today that they tried to frame a Negro for raping their daughter, only to be thwarted by Gregory Peck?

To be honest, I'm relieved that Todd Palin is no stranger to getting shit-faced; it finally explains those poor kids' fucking names.

SIDE NOTE: Speaking of DWI, I gotta remember DWA, "Driving while Asian." I never remember it when it's applicable!!!

1 comment:

Rambler said...

If they gave out DWIs for walking...