Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Can We Cut Maverick Out of the Dictionary after Tuesday?

Like anyone who hasn’t been buried under 3 miles of bedrock for the last few weeks, I am bemused at the McCain camp being so pissed at Palin for “going rogue.” After all, isn't that what "mavericks" do? Didn't he promise that he was gonna take her to DC where she would bitch-slap Congress, breaking her titties off in their asses while doing whatever the hell she wanted as a "maverick reformer"? Can one really expect to rein in a maverick? And wouldn't another maverick know this? Doesn't this belie both their claims of being "mavericks"?

Mostly though I laughed at "...long-brewing tensions between Palin and key aides to McCain were on the rise."

Really? "long-brewing tensions?" haven't these two known each other for about two months? I've sat on the bowl longer than that trying to cough up a trip to Wendy's for chrissake. "Long-brewing." wtf.

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