Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Spreading the Bullshit

McCain likes to claim that as an “energy expert,” Palin is without peer in the whole country. Which, of course, is ludicrous - there are smart people that dedicate their careers to the study of energy, and Palin is not one of them.

And it turns out that her biggest relationship with energy is taking the windfall profits from the oil companies and giving it to the citizens of Alaska simply for living there. Not just the ones who worked to make the oil as profitable as it is, but EVERYbody. Isn’t this about as big a single example of “spreading the wealth” by a single politician as can be found anywhere? And yet we are led to believe that for Obama to suggest it is to suggest socialism, Marxism, communism, kickingpuppiesintheheadism, and on and on. Why has this not been brought up more in the "LEFT-WING, LIBERAL!!!" media? Fascinating to me.

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