Thursday, October 02, 2008


9:22pm - Palin just said something fairly amazing...she spoke of the dangers of healthcare being taken over by the government saying (and I paraphrase here) "if you've seen the way the government has run things recently, you wouldn't be too happy with the results."

Ummm...wouldn't that be YOUR OWN party? She's basically standing there saying "hey, you want us to do it okay, but boy are we probably gonna fuck it up!"

Has anybody wrapped their heads around the irony of this camp running against itself? Incredible. Isn't this like the chickens voting for the Colonel? Do I get a free bucket of original recipe if I throw that joke out there one more time?


Anonymous said...

Sure, you win a bucket for one more time.

(did she just say "preserving our hydrocarbons"?)

Anonymous said...

Haven't you used this chickens supporting KFC thing a few times too many? Didn't I buy you that fryer so you could get Extra Crispy off the brain?