Monday, October 20, 2008

The Final Endorsement

With all these endorsements for Obama rolling in every day, wouldn't it be great if Bush gets caught up in the excitement and comes out to endorse Obama?

(cut to Meet the Press)

BROKAW: Mr. President, did I hear you correctly...did you just say that you endorse Barack Obama?
BUSH: You got it, Tom. I mean, McCain's old - REALLY old, Tom. The only way he's getting into the White House is with a séance, Tommy boy.
BROKAW: But that goes against your own party, Mr. President.
BUSH: You wanna talk about a party, I can't wait to hit Obama's parties when he's president. He's young and hip, Tom. And Georgie here is thinking about getting some jungle fever, know what I mean?
BUSH: Getting wiped out by hurricanes isn't all those people know how to do, eh Tommity Tom Tom?!
BUSH: Vote for Obama. McCain's (beeeep)ing crazy!

"...and a homo."

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