Monday, October 20, 2008

Man Men Review

Once again, Mad Men has gone off the fucking rails. I've stated here several times, I don't give two shits about Don Draper's previous mystery life - hey, you know who else doesn't? BERTRAM COOPER!! Remember when Pete tried to blackmail Don in the first season? The old man didn't care, and neither do I. And I CERTAINLY don't need you to make explaining his past life in such a way as Back to the Future II: he's in the future, oh it's today, oh it's today if yesterday was the future if tomorrow was today was the future of yesterday's present 7:30am. Wtf. WAAAAAAYY too much work on the brain for something I could give two shits about. There couldn't have been more than 7 or 8 minutes total of office stuff, which is complete bullshit. When the series started, we were teased with cut-throat early 60's testosterone-driven office machinations (as well as scenery!!) And what are we getting now? Don's personal zen baptism past-life nonsense, while his wife back home busts her kid smoking. Camon. What the fuck. And there's only one episode left in this season, so we're screwed for another year or whatever. What the fuck. 2 thumbs down.

Only redeeming thing? Joan's outrageous titties. Mang.

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