Monday, October 27, 2008

Give Me Liberty, or Give Me a Mild Bruise - Maybe a Light Sprain If the Shit Gets For Reals

"Fear is the most powerful enemy of reason" - Al Gore

People walking out rather than spewing his racist bullshit is the latest "wow" low moment for the McCain campaign. It's amazing to me that this late, McCain is still stooping so low with this shit - you'd think that he'd see the writing on the wall and use this time to somehow patch together his legacy as best as he can. While I know I myself will never again be able to see McCain without thinking of how he ran this campaign, which opened the door to looking into history at the "real McCain," I also know that time softens, and before too long (after some sappy post-election "It's time to put differences aside and join hands for America" speech bullshit) he'll slide back into his "war hero maverick" status as we all forget how he tried to take a country already worn down by fear and hatred and completely drive them into the ground by it. This walkout (by people that I'm assuming aren't millionaires and are actually affected by loss of a day's pay) is the latest symbol of people saying "enough; this is no way to live." And in doing so, ironically, they did something way more "maverick-y" than McCain has done in years.

I wrote about the inevitability of choosing living over fear HERE.
Ironically, the last 7 years or so of relentless fear-mongering by the administration have made me LESS scared than I could have possibly been before. You can only be told so many times about entire races of people desperately looking to SWARM over the country and destroy everyone in sight before thinking “well, where are they? if they so desperately wanted me dead because I have an iPod, well then they prolly woulda done it by now.” While I’m waiting for our inevitable slaughter, I wouldn’t mind having some health care/being able to buy gas/send my kid to college without selling my sperm etc (a conundrum...if I'm selling my sperm, where's the kid come from???!!! Next week on Nova!!!) Let the military that we love to cry over how brave and heroic they are do their jobs, and in the meantime let’s make sure we’re a country worth blowing up in the first place.
Also HERE.

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