Saturday, October 11, 2008

I Refuse to Believe That I am the Dumbest Person Alive Anymore

Sarah Palin has become such a caricature of the...whatever...that even though she is self-billed as the "Hockey-Loving, Tough-Talking, Gen. Patton with Lipstick, Barracuda" etc etc tuff-nuts gal, it didn't even phase me that she chose to bring along her 7 year-old daughter to SHIELD HER FROM THE CROWD!!!! upon her hockey publicity stunt in Philly. I did not bat an eye; "hmm, makes sense" I thought. Nothing from that campaign has made sense, so it just rolled past my brain. I even briefly applauded the idea of the stunt - America's hockey mom on the ice. Of course. Natural.

Then I realized where she was doing this. Excuse me, but...Philly? REALLY? Who's the fucking wizard behind this - they couldn't find a MORE Democratic-loving city? What the fuck? And how dumb are these people - Philly is famous for two things: 1) booing Santa Claus 2) taking a pipe to the people who chose NOT to boo Santa Claus - it didn't occur to the geniuses planning this that Philly MIGHT be a tuff crowd?

What the fuck, are you kidding me? ALLLLLLLLL the cities they could've chosen, and they pick Philly? Wtf? Isn't this like a pork chop picking a dog pound to perform it's bar mitzvah? Did I just triple-lap myself with the irony there?

I mean, gotdam...there's politics, and then there's stupidity. Unbelievable.

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