Sunday, October 12, 2008

Racist Campaign?

I would not call John McCain a racist. I would, however, call his campaign racist - yesterday's "Arab" moment notwithstanding, he certainly let the storm brew without jumping in when he clearly should have. Even if he is not a racist, he definitely saw the opportunity racism had to offer.

But to act like such tactics are brand new, as this article seems to suggest, to act as if such thinking has only now started "creeping" in is to suggest we are all blind, deaf and dumb. Both Rudy's and Palin's "community organizer" cracks during the Convention last month still have my Spidey senses tingling. And while even after those ignorant comments I would not label either Rudy or Palin as "racist," I would still label each as "capable."

Shit's not "creeping in;" it's been there the whole time, just waiting for the right moment.

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